Paul Dimoldenberg, Rachel Blake MP, Judith Southern & Shamsed Chowdhury
Paul Dimoldenberg, Rachel Blake MP, Judith Southern & Shamsed Chowdhury


News from your Hyde Park Labour Councillors – Judith Southern, Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Paul Dimoldenberg

Get in touch:


Dear Resident,

Happy New Year!

We hope that all is well. It has been another very busy month right across the Hyde Park Ward.

We welcomed the Government’s plans to introduce legislation to control e-bikes to ensure they are parked correctly and do not block the pavement, causing obstructions

We attended the HPEA AGM at the Royal Lancaster Hotel on 2nd December, along with Rachel Blake MP, and answered questions about our activities and the issues we have been taking up.

We attended the North Paddington Food Bank Carol Service at St John’s Church on 6th December.

We attended the opening of the Human Rights Greenhouse at 25 Porchester Place which was opened by Ian Hislop, editor of ‘Private Eye’, on 10th December. Local resident Tony Heywood designed the Greenhouse. You can see a BBC interview with Tony here We contributed to the cost of this piece of public art through the Ward Budget.

We attended the Christmas Carol Service at St John’s Church, Hyde Park Crescent on Sunday 22nd December.

We hold a regular advice surgery at St John’s Parish Hall, Hyde Park Crescent, on the first Thursday of the month from 6-7pm. The next advice surgery will be on Thursday 9th January, 6pm-7pm (please note this is the second Thursday this month).

Please let us know if we can be of help or assistance on any local issues.


The Hyde Park Estate area, bounded by Edgware Road, Bayswater Road and Sussex Gardens

Connaught Street 

The CCTV camera on lamp column 15 in Connaught Street has been installed. We also told Lime to remove e-bikes dumped outside Boxcar and blocking the pavement.

Westbourne Street 

We asked the Highways Team to replace the missing traffic direction sign outside 16 Westbourne Street. The sign has now been replaced and residents say, “Amazing. It should help make a difference and reduce pollution in Stanhope Terrace from large diesel vehicles who have no business there.”

Bayswater Road

We asked the Street Lighting Team to fix shades to the zebra crossing lights on Bayswater Road at the junction with Clarendon Place, so that the flashing lights no longer affect residents nearby. Residents say, “Thank you so much. I really appreciate you organising this for us. It’s a real life-changer!”

Following our enquiries, Thames Water have exchanged the noisy frames and covers on Bayswater Road, opposite the Royal Lancaster Hotel, with smaller frames and covers which, hopefully will reduce them causing an issue. Residents say, “I was impressed at the promptness of Thames Water.  Many thanks for your assistance in this.  We all appreciate your efforts on our behalf.”

Connaught Village Green

Work on creating Connaught Village Green is going well. A zebra crossing was installed across Connaught Street over the Christmas close-down period. When work starts again in the first week of January the contractors will start around Titchborne Row. When works move to the north side of Connaught Street, a temporary one-way operation will be re-introduced, including clear signage.

See for the phasing plan, scheme drawing, FAQs and contact email.

Hyde Park Crescent

Following a collision with one of the kerb buildouts on Hyde Park Crescent, we asked the Highways Team to install a bollard with reflector on it.

The second pedestrian refuge and kerb buildouts on Hyde Park Crescent have been completed to improve pedestrian safety and reduce traffic speeds. One resident told us, “I wanted to report to you the immediate success of the installation of the second island in Hyde Park Crescent. I now feel a lot safer when crossing over Hyde Park Crescent as cars seem to be going at a reduced speed as they continue up Southwick Street.”

The area around the new pedestrian refuge, together with Somers Crescent, will be resurfaced soon.

Hyde Park Street

We are making enquiries about a parking issue in the private roadway behind Hyde Park Street and Hyde Park Crescent which is causing distress to elderly residents who cannot access their garage.

We also asked the Highways Team to arrange for the telecoms box on Hyde Park Street to be painted black.

Hyde Park Gardens

We supported residents who are opposing the lateral conversion of two flats into one very large flat in Hyde Park Gardens. The planning application has now been withdrawn after the Planning Officer informed the applicant that it would be refused.

Oxford Square

We continue to urge action to remove the brothel from Oxford Square. The Church Commissioners and the leaseholder have instructed their lawyers to take legal action. The current situation is that the leaseholder is waiting for bailiffs to evict the occupants. We also asked the Police to take action to stop the suspected drug dealing and other antisocial behaviour here.

The Church Commissioners arranged for an additional security van to park at the property overnight from 10pm – 7am from 23 December to 6 January to provide further security to Oxford Square and deter anti-social behaviour on the street.

Norfolk Crescent

We asked the Church Commissioners to remove an Airbnb key box attached to the railings in Norfolk Crescent.

Southacre and Castleacre

The owner of Southacre and Castleacre has contacted us about revised proposals to add three floors to each block. We opposed a similar proposal previously and we will be taking the same position on any future proposals.

Portsea Place

The Cycle Team is consulting residents in Portsea Place about locating a bike hangar in the street.

Porchester Place

We asked the Highways Team to fix a pothole in Porchester Place outside Buchanan’s Cheesemonger.

We also continue to urge the Environmental Health Team to take action to control the smoke coming from a restaurant chimney in Porchester Place.

CCTV cameras

In addition to the CCTV cameras already installed at Burwood Place, Connaught Place and Connaught Street, we have asked for additional CCTV cameras at Norfolk Crescent/Burwood Place and Connaught Street/Portsea Place

Park Lane

In early December, TfL obtained a further writ to enforce their possession order for Park Lane and carried out a further eviction of rough sleepers at the Park Lane Central Reservation (mostly at the Achilles Way site opposite the Hilton Hotel), with support from WCC officers. Outreach support before and after continues with individuals who were here to offer accommodation and other support.

Oxford Street

The Government has given the go-ahead for the redevelopment of the M&S Marble Arch store

Hyde Park Estate security

For residents living on the Hyde Park Estate, the Croma mobile security supervisor contact number is 07880 680257. The mobile team provides 2 patrols each evening between the hours of 19.00pm – 07.00am. This is paid for via the service charges at blocks managed by the Church Commissioners, who also pay for the patrol at Portsea Mews and around Connaught Village.

The Star Street area, between Sussex Gardens and Praed Street  

Praed Street Post Office 

The Post Office in Praed Street is one of 32 Post Office branches across London which could close as part of a national plan to close 115 Post Offices across the UK. The Post Office provides vital services to residents and businesses. We urge the Post Office to make sure we don’t lose access to banking, cash and other useful services. Please sign Rachel Blake MP’s petition:

Spring Street

We asked the Highways Team to arrange for the broken door to be fixed on the telecoms cabinet in Spring Street. The door has now been fixed.

Star Street

The Cycle Team is consulting residents in Star Street about locating a bike hangar in the street.

We have asked for an additional CCTV camera at Star Street/Bouverie Place junction, and for a defective streetlight to be fixed – it is now working.

We also asked the City Inspectors to remove a mattress and bedding from the shrubbery in the planted area on the north side of Star Street.

Southwick Street

We contacted Lime about Imperial College residents in Wilson House parking e-bikes in Southwick Street which is not a designated e-bike parking location. We suggested that Lime arrange an e-bike parking location on the large private forecourt area in front of Wilson House in Sussex Gardens.

Praed Street

The cycle lane in front of the Hilton Hotel at Paddington Station has now been protected by the installation of wands. Unfortunately, some of the wands have been deliberately removed so we have asked the Police if their camera at London Street corner of Praed Street could be used to monitor the site.

We asked the Street Lighting Team to fix a faulty streetlight outside the Aberdeen Steakhouse on Praed Street.

Cameron Hotel, Sussex Gardens

We continue to assist residents of the Cameron Hotel with difficulties with their new landlord who wants them to leave. Residents told us, “On Friday we woke up to no hot water. We complained to the landlord who promised to repair it but said he did not know when, and now there is no running water at all. He then sent a message on Monday that there was a gas leak, and he was sending someone to fix it but no one has come and there are indications he now wants to cut off the electricity.”

Bouverie Place

The moment a grandfather fought off two muggers trying to steal his watch in Bouverie Place. Well done to the police for a great result. Full story here:

205 bus route

TfL has extended the consultation on proposed changes to the 205-bus route to Friday 10 January 2025. Bus route 205 currently runs between Bow Church and Paddington. TfL is proposing to withdraw route 205 between Paddington and Baker Street station. TfL say they will add extra journeys for bus route 27 in the early mornings and late evenings between Paddington and Baker Street. To find out more and to have your say on TfL’s proposals, visit and email: 

Edgware Road 

The City Inspectors have been investigating premises on Edgware Road for a range of breaches of legislation, including:

  • A business, often disguised as a charity, has been summoned to court for breach of a previous court agreement.
  • A restaurant has been summoned to court under the Environmental Protection Act for fly-tipping.
  • Another restaurant on Edgware Road was given a food hygiene notice and there is an ongoing investigation.
  • Trading Standards is leading a prosecution of vapes and shisha premises for the sale of illicit goods.
  • Trading Standards is leading on a prosecution for the sale of counterfeit goods at another premises on Edgware Road
  • A restaurant on Edgware Road is being investigated for pavement licence breach.
  • A company on Edgware Road has been submitted for prosecution for unpaid commercial waste and being unable to prove they have a registered waste carrier.

Chapel Street, Cabbell Street and Transept Street area 

Transept Street 

The Cycle Team is consulting residents in Transept Street about locating a bike hangar in the street.

Hyde Park Mansions

We are supporting a resident in Hyde Park Mansions in their battle to get long-standing repairs to their flat undertaken. We have urged the freeholders, Freshwater, and the insurance company, Sedgwick, to resolve this as a matter of urgency.

Chapel Street

Following our report, the paint spillage on the pavement and road outside Hyde Park Mansions on Chapel Street has been removed.

We also told Lime to remove three e-bikes blocking the pavement at the junction with Cabbell Street and to fine the riders.

We asked Clear Channel to remove the vandalised telephone booth outside The Chapel pub.

The Chapel pub has been made secure following the eviction of squatters. The pub is still for sale

Paddington Basin/Sheldon Square area

Aster House

Rachel Blake MP visited Aster House on 20th December to meet with residents and Octavia Housing, including their new Regional Managing Director, some of the team who manage the property and the caretaker for the block, so that residents’ concerns could be addressed directly. Octavia has sent an Action Programme to residents following the meeting.

Dudley House

We have asked the Council’s Housing Department to investigate the doubling of energy costs for residents of Dudley House. Residents say, “The new tariffs are twice the price of the former ones. According to the company, “following a recent review it was discovered that residents had been undercharged for energy consumption and this has been reviewed so the new tariffs reflect the current energy prices”. This is a very aggressive increase in the tariff, particularly during the winter months, and it is going to significantly affect our budget.”

Bishop’s Bridge

Following our enquiries to restore electric power to the streetlights and traffic lights on Bishop’s Bridge, residents said, “We are all so incredibly grateful to you all for having achieved such an excellent result in such a short amount of time, on this important road safety issue.”

North Wharf Road

The works to install a raised table outside Marylebone Boys’ School on North Wharf Road have been rescheduled to start on 20th January until 4th February 2025 when the road will be resurfaced.

West End Quay

We have urged the police to increase their patrols at West End Quay, following reports from the management team of drug use and intimidating behaviour in the late afternoon from people congregating in the area behind Greggs.

Grand Union Canal

We asked the Canal & River Trust to clear a large diesel oil slick, by the Monet mooring boat under the white pedestrian canal bridge which may be hazardous to the wildlife in this section of the Grand Union Canal.

Montgomery House

Following our enquiries, we have received this update from the Environmental Team:

“Peabody are dealing with the plumbing issues on a façade basis, dealing with one side of the building at a time. This is resolving all leaks which then will allow areas to dry completely so that remediation works can then be completed without the risk of them being damaged again by further leaks.”

We will be watching this closely to ensure that the promised repairs are undertaken quickly.

Travis Perkins site, 149 Harrow Road

Over 105 objections have been made to the planning application for the demolition of the existing Travis Perkins building and new buildings up to 20 storeys in height, comprising the reprovision of Travis Perkins builders’ merchant and 605 rooms of student accommodation above. The application is expected to be decided at the Planning Committee on 21st January 2025.

We are supporting residents’ objections to the plans

Dahlia House

We continue to work closely with the Short Term Lets Team to tackle the many illegal short-term lets in Dahlia House.

5 Harbet Road

Once again, we have urged Octavia Housing to do long-standing repairs to 5 Harbet Road.

Eastbourne Terrace

Following our enquiries with TfL about the 46-bus using Westbourne Terrace rather than Eastbourne Terrace, TfL say, “Drivers have been spoken to formally about the incidents. The operators are also using their green road telematics system to confirm further non-compliance. We will be doing spot checks physically at Paddington with the intention of getting things back in line with standard compliance.”


Work to refurbish expansion joints along the Westway started in November 2024 and is planned to finish in June 2025. For more information


Work to refurbish expansion joints along the Westway started in November 2024 and is planned to finish in June 2025. For more information

Other Issues

Westminster Winter Fuel Payments
A Fund to help older people no longer eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment is now open until February 2025. Applications are through Age UK Westminster who will check eligibility and entitlement to other support. Contact Age UK by phone on 020 3004 5610 between 10 am and 2pm, Monday to Friday or by email at Help will be in the form of supermarket vouchers of £200 or £300.

Pension Credit
Pension Credit gives extra money to help with living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as service charges. You might get extra help if you’re a carer, severely disabled, or responsible for a child or young person.

Pension Credit is separate from the State Pension. You can get Pension Credit even if you have other income, savings or own your own home.
See also the Warm Home Discount scheme

Apply for a Postal Vote
You can choose to vote by post if it would be more convenient for you. You can also apply for a postal vote because your work schedule means you can’t get to the polling station on polling day.

Apply for a Postal Vote at  It only takes a few minutes – you’ll need your National Insurance number to hand.

Free Cycling Lessons
Free cycle training is open to anyone who lives, works or studies in Westminster. Over 4,000 people have benefitted from this over the past two years.

Social Supermarket

The Social Supermarket at St. Mary’s Church, Wyndham Place, off Crawford Street, W1 runs a weekly Social Supermarket on Wednesdays from 9.30 -10.30am and provides basic groceries and household goods to anyone in Westminster in need of help. For further information

Street works
For an update on street works in the area please go to

Rachel Blake MP 
Rachel represents the Cities of London and Westminster Constituency in Parliament. You can contact Rachel at

Discover a whole new side of Westminster with Footways. The new interactive walking map reveals quiet streets for walking, with intriguing features to discover on the way.

Trade Parking permits
If you are having work to your home or business requiring a visit from tradespeople with a vehicle you can apply for a trade parking permit.  See the link:

Following a meeting with the Lime Global Chief Executive, Lime has pledged to improve its day-to-day e-bike management

If you see e-bikes parked badly, please report this to:
Voi scooters:

Air Quality
The Council has developed a range of air quality data monitoring online tools which allow you to view and analyse air quality data in Westminster from multiple sources.

If you would like to know more about volunteering, see

Cost of living support for families
You can get the support you need, from how to access government financial aid to finding local advice services.

To help Council tenants who do not qualify for Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, we are continuing the Rent Support Fund to help those in financial difficulties.

Children aged 3 to 14 in Westminster now receive a free school lunch

Food Waste recycling
The Council has collected over 3,600 tonnes of food waste to be recycled since March 2022.  Around 30% of waste in the average rubbish bin is food waste, so please use this service as much as possible. If your block of flats or mansion block does not have access to the food waste recycling service yet, get in touch by emailing

For information on the food waste recycling service see

Environmental Justice
The Council has produced an ‘Environmental Justice’ map which shows the distribution of environmental conditions, climate impacts and access to green, sustainable resources across Westminster.

Animal Welfare
The Council’s Animal Welfare Team addresses animal cruelty cases and offers support and advice. You can contact the Team at:

Service charges 
t a time of rising bills, it is important to know your rights. See the LEASE website  Service Charges – The Leasehold Advisory Service (

Handyperson service
Westminster residents aged over 60, or in receipt of disability benefit, can request free help from a handyperson. The service covers minor works such as replacing light bulbs and other small DIY jobs. It does not cover gardening, plumbing or decorating, and it is not an emergency service.

Bike Hangars
Residents interested in renting a cycle hangar storage space should Register an Interest via our website.

Local Police
The Hyde Park Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police Team includes PC Harminder Purewal and PCSO Lina Pandi. Contact them at

For the latest local crime information see:

Refuse collection and Recycling collection times
Recycling bags can be ordered from Bags will be delivered within approximately 10 days of order. You can check when refuse and recycling is collected from your street here

Bulky Waste collections 
You can book a bulky waste collection service with the Council for £34 for up to 6 items for collection within 3 working days. If you do not have 6 items for collection, why not ask your neighbours if they have any and then share the cost.

If you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, the service is free. This is limited to one collection of up to 6 items, every 90 days.

If you are a landlord or managing agent and you are disposing of unwanted furniture or building material, please do not dump it in the street! If you do, you will be fined.

Recycling small electrical appliances
Any household electrical and electronic item that operates on a battery or has a plug and is smaller than 60cm in length and under 30cm in width and height, can be put in an on-street small electrical appliances recycling bin.

Report It
Please tell the Council about dumped rubbish, broken streetlights, dumped bikes, graffiti and more by using Report It

Street Link
If you see anyone sleeping rough, please contact Street Link who are able offer help and assistance. You can contact Street Link 24 hours a day at

What you say

“I’ve said so previously but worth repeating: ‘a really useful regular report’. Thank you.”

“Thank you so much for mentioning the 205-bus route! This is the second time it’s being threatened.”

“This is so impressive! Thanks to all of you for your hard work.”

“The 205 bus is a lifeline for so many and covers a great stretch of London. The route is convenient as it is & cost effective.”

“You write a very informative newsletter.”

“Very impressed by your consistent action and dedication to Hyde Park Estate.”

Please feel free to pass this report to your neighbours. If you know of anyone else who might like to receive this report, please send them this sign-up link       

If you do not want to receive this report you can unsubscribe below.


Judith Southern, Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Paul Dimoldenberg

Your Hyde Park Ward Labour Councillors – Here to Help, All Year Round – We Get Things Done! 

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Read our manifesto here, setting out Labour’s pledges

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