Councillors Md Shamsed Chowdhury, Judith Southern & Paul Dimoldenberg
Councillors Md Shamsed Chowdhury, Judith Southern & Paul Dimoldenberg


News from your Hyde Park Labour Councillors – Judith Southern, Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Paul Dimoldenberg 

Dear Resident,

We hope that all is well. It has been another few weeks of activity right across the ward.

We were very pleased to be invited to visit St Mary’s Hospital to hear about the hospital development plans. We visited the Same Day Emergency Care unit at St Mary’s which provides same-day care for patients with a range of conditions who are mobile and stable, referred directly by GPs and or via A&E triage, avoiding time in A&E and, where possible, hospital admission.

We also attended the Hyde Park Estate Association AGM to report back on our first six months as your Councillors and enjoyed meeting some new faces, as well as saying hello to some familiar ones.

We hold a regular advice surgery at St John’s Parish Hall, Hyde Park Crescent, on the first Thursday of the month from 6-7pm. The next advice surgery will be on Thursday 5th January, 6pm-7pm.

Please let us know if we can be of help or assistance on any local issues.


The Hyde Park Estate area, bounded by Edgware Road/Bayswater Road and Sussex Gardens

Norfolk Crescent 

We have asked the Highways Team when the promised double yellow lines will be installed outside Raynham, along Norfolk Crescent. The Highways Team said, “I will ask my team to check throughout the week just to make sure and if we need to give our contractors a gentle nudge, we will.”

We have also asked the City Inspectors to issue fines to those responsible for rubbish dumping by the bins in Norfolk Crescent.

Bathurst Street

We have asked the Highways Team if it would be possible to install dropped kerbs along Bathurst Street at the junction with Bathurst Mews. Residents pushing wheelchairs find the high kerbs very difficult to navigate. The Highways Team say,

“I have asked the team to look into this.  I have a meeting with FMC tomorrow, so this is something that we can potentially add to the list of dropped kerbs we are carrying out on the network.” 

The Quadrangle

We raised concerns expressed by residents in The Quadrangle about anti-social behaviour in the car park area with the Church Commissioners who told us, “I have asked the security team at Quadrangle if they can pay particular attention to that area overnight.”


Residents have raised the issue of malfunctioning/broken CCTV equipment servicing the Devonport apartments. We have asked the Church Commissioners if the system can be checked to see if all the cameras are working properly here and at The Quadrangle.

Connaught Court

We attended a Connaught Court residents’ meeting recently where the following topics were discussed:

  • Illegal Short Lets – key box outside the property
  • Neighbours from other streets fly-tipping in their private area.
  • CCTV
  • Late night noise issues from next door businesses.
  • Basement area clean up.

Albion Mews/Albion Street

We have asked the City Inspectors to pay particular attention to the rubbish dumping at the corner of Albion Mews/Albion Street which has become a dumping ‘hot spot’ recently. We have asked for those responsible for the dumping to be fined.

Residents have also told us that Albion Street is regularly used by dog walkers on the way to the park, some of whom allow their dogs to foul the pavement. We have asked for ‘Clean up after your dog’ signs to be installed along Albion Street.

The City Inspectors have now installed ‘Don’t dump’ and dog fouling warning signs along Albion Street.

Radnor Place/Radnor Mews

We asked the Street Lighting Team to fix a defective light in the ‘tunnel’ at the top of Radnor Mews/Radnor Place and the light is now working again.

Kendal Street

We have asked the City Inspectors if action can be taken against the car wash on Kendal Street. Residents say, “The Car Wash continually drains slippery dirty washing waste water onto the pedestrian pavement causing a dangerous slippery and dirty walkway.” 

The City Inspector says, “I know my colleague has had this complaint in the past, I will catch up with him after his night shift and see what was agreed with the car wash and revisit, especially with the temperature dropping, I think it would be good to see what they have in place to ensure the pavements aren’t staying wet.”

Connaught Square

We attended a public meeting organised by HyPER to discuss crime issues in the Connaught Square and Portsea Place area. Residents are pleased about the impact that the evening parking warden action has had in the area. There are fewer people loitering around in cars and the area feels safer.

Other issues were raised which we have asked the Parking Team to consider:

  • Can the evening parking warden activity be extended to Sussex Square and Albion Street where there are similar evening parking issues?
  • Winter Wonderland is bringing parking pressure on residents’ bays in Hyde Park Ward, Marylebone and Mayfair – please can the wardens target these areas, especially close to Hyde Park itself?
  • Can we install some trial speed cameras in residential streets, as soon as the Wandsworth trial has reported on its effectiveness?

Also, the Planning Department has given us advice on fitting alarm boxes and CCTV cameras on listed building which we hope will be helpful for residents wishing to increase security.

Oxford Square

We are supporting the planning application for 1 Oxford Square, W2 (22/07706/FULL) – “Installation replacement of rear windows and doors with new solar control triple glazed windows and doors; installation of external wall insulation to spandrels and floor slab edges; installation of solar panels to the existing flat roof; and associated works.”

This is exactly the kind of well-considered planning application we should be encouraging from householders in the Hyde Park Estate area to reduce energy use, conserve energy and tackle the climate emergency. The proposed changes are attractive, sympathetic to the architecture of the building, its appearance and materials and make a positive contribution to the Conservation Area by extending the lifespan of the property, by reducing its carbon footprint, preparing for climate change and acting as an exemplar for similar-era properties that constitute the bulk of the Hyde Park Estate.

Oxford and Cambridge Squares

Cycle hangars are planned to be installed in Oxford and Cambridge Squares

  • on the south-east side of Cambridge Square, adjacent to Raynham
  • on the south-west side of Oxford Square, outside the rear entrance of Southacre

These are the first cycle hangars to be installed in Hyde Park Ward. You can read how to rent a place in a cycle hangar at

Porchester Place 

We raised concerns with Environmental Health Team about the extent and smell from smoke coming from a restaurant chimney in Porchester Place. The Team say,

“One of the main concerns is the inability to access the full length of the extract duct work.  This has required the owner to arrange for scaffolding to be erected and full deep clean to be achieved through a different cleaning company.  I have been assured this has been booked in for January 2023.  I will revisit afterwards to confirm this and that staff are continuing to clean the areas they are expected to do following the full deep clean.”

We also raised this with the Church Commissioners who say, “We will increase the number of Landlord inspections and in particular ask occupiers to provide evidence of regular extract cleaning across Connaught Village.”

Connaught Street/Porchester Place

We asked the City Inspectors to take action after receiving this message from a resident, “I just watched a staff member of Connaught Kitchens come out and dump two bags of rubbish by the tree on the corner of Porchester Place and Connaught Street. Can someone from the enforcement team tell them this is wrong. They seem to think it is perfectly fine to dump rubbish whenever they like.”

The City Inspector says, “I visited Connaught Kitchens and discussed this with them.”

Connaught Place

We have again asked the City Inspectors to take action against those responsible for the regular rubbish dumping outside 12 Connaught Place by the railings near the entrance to the mews.

Park West Place

Following regular use of the area around the rubbish bins as a toilet, the recycling bins have been relocated to the other side of the street as a trial, to see if moving them will help with the toileting issues.

Gloucester Square 

We are concerned to hear about anti-social behaviour in the Gloucester Square area. Residents tell us that there are regular incidents and “once we have the gardens camera system working at full efficiency, we will be gathering evidence regarding the prevalence of people leaving garbage, urinating, and sadly even defecating by/through the railings, most often having pulled up in vehicles.” In the meantime we have asked the police to increase their patrols in the area.

New Trees

New trees are planned in the following locations

  • Cambridge Square (replacement trees on the north footway)
  • Hyde Park Crescent – outside 9/10
  • Kendal Street – opposite 48 and 50
  • Norfolk Crescent – outside 7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/14, 15/16, 18 and 19
  • Radnor Place – opposite lamp column 8, opposite 10/11, 11a/15 and outside 10
  • Tichborne Row – outside 2/4

Waste Action Squad – what you say

“The initiative to consult residents on street cleaning, rubbish dumping etc was great. There was a small team of officers stationed outside Le Pain for a morning. One of them approached me for my views. I made one suggestion about the motorised sweeper that went round the area every afternoon, usually down the middle of the road, leaving untouched most of the litter which gathered in gutters behind parked cars so that the sweeper was unable to reach it. I suggested replacing the sweeper with a person which happened a week later and the gutters are now successfully cleaned.” 

The Star Street area, between Sussex Gardens and Praed Street

Star Street/Sale Place

We continue to keep a close eye on the big black bins on the corner of Star Street and Sale Place to ensure that dumped rubbish is cleared quickly and fines are issued to those responsible for the dumping.

St Michael’s Street

We continue to urge the Planning Team to approve Notting Hill Genesis’ proposals for new double-glazed windows to their houses in St Michael’s Street. NHG say, “We wanted to ensure that we fit these windows before the winter months to ensure our residents will benefit from the improved energy efficiency in their properties and help with the fuel poverty challenges.” 

We have again reported dumped rubbish at the Edgware Road end of St Michael’s Street and asked the City Inspectors to issue fines to those responsible.

We are also helping a St Michael’s Street residents with housing repair issues and have contacted Notting Hill Genesis to fix the problems.

Southwick Street

We have asked the Highways Team to fix a dangerous pavement on Southwick Street.

Sussex Gardens

We asked the Parking Team to investigate a van parked for hours on double yellow lines in the cycle lane on Sussex Gardens. The Team says, “we have been down to site and found that there was no car there. But they will keep a closer eye (with more frequent visits than normal) and issue a PCN to any vehicle found parked there.”

Spring Street

We are delighted to welcome the opening of The Bear on Spring Street. The pub is run by The Craft Beer Company, established in 2009, and run independently. They say,

“We have spent eight months transforming the old Cork and Bottle pub into a proper pub with a modern Twist. The offer will include 6 cask ales and 29 beers on keg, as well as food.”

Edgware Road area

Edgware Road

We asked the City Inspectors to investigate this issue raised by a resident,

I wonder if the cafe at the bottom of Edgware Road called FEYA, on the left side of the street, before you reach the FRAMELESS entrance, is in breach of the regulations.  When I went by, there were numerous tables outside, and the pavement area for pedestrians was really very narrow.  It is such a busy location, and there really should be more space for pedestrians to walk by.”


We have asked the City Inspectors to take the appropriate action after receiving this message from a resident,

“I just reported the aggressive beggars outside Waitrose this evening to 101. All their disgusting bedding is currently dumped in Norfolk Crescent causing health and trip hazards. Also, more disgusting bedding is in the phone box on Harrowby Street beside Rymans on Edgware Rd.”

The Chapel Street, Cabbell Street and Transept Street area

Oxford & Cambridge Mansions and Hyde Park Mansions

Following recent problems with non-residents gaining entry to Oxford & Cambridge Mansions and Hyde Park Mansions, the City Inspector has given the freeholders, Freshwater, the following advice, “I would suggest that urgent communications are sent out to residents within the blocks to remind them of the importance of using the door entry systems correctly.  Also, you might see if the locking system can be changed/altered to stop this trespass going forward.”

Freshwater say, “The main front door being carelessly left ajar is a real problem and residents and callers should be far more vigilant.  I sent a hand delivered letter on this matter recently.”

38-47a Chapel Street

We have asked the Housing Team to investigate a water leak from the flats at 38-47a Chapel Street. Residents say, “There appears to be a significant leak on the west side of the property (43-47). It appears to be coming from the top floor and leaking into all the properties below.” 

Street sign graffiti

We have asked the City Inspectors to arrange for the graffiti to be removed from street signs on Chapel Street and Old Marylebone Road.

Paddington Basin/Sheldon Square area 

St Mary’s Hospital 

We were very pleased to be invited to visit St Mary’s Hospital to hear about the hospital development plans. We visited the Same Day Emergency Care unit which provides same-day care for patients with a range of conditions who are mobile and stable, referred directly by GPs and or via A&E triage, avoiding time in A&E and, where possible, hospital admission.

5 Harbet Road 

We have again asked Octavia Housing for an update on the fire alarm and cladding situation. Residents say, “Waking watch still in place. No works or any sign of works on alarm or cladding. Are we just prisoners in our flat for years to come? We have no way to sell the flat till cladding works are done. I contacted the government minister who just replied with some copy and paste statement very unhelpful.”

North Wharf Road

We have asked the City Inspectors to remove a broken and abandoned bike at the corner of North Wharf Road and Bishop’s Bridge.

Harrow Road

We have asked the City Inspector if Getir are allowed to park their delivery bikes on the pavement on Harrow Road, at the junction with North Wharf Road. The City Inspector says,

“I have checked the conditions in the Licence for this premises. They do have a licensing condition stating,“premises will encourage delivery riders/drivers to use their vehicles in a responsible manner so as not to cause a nuisance to any residents or generally outside the licenced premises; not to leave engines running when the vehicles are parked; and not to obstruct the highway.“

A City Inspector will visit the premises to discuss this issue and to look at the potential obstruction issues.

Sheldon Square

We have contacted Network Homes and Notting Hill Genesis about the installation of the long-promised air conditioning units. Residents have contacted us about the high running costs of the system that is being installed.

The Cube

Residents say that, after a brief respite when the lights were dimmed, the lights are back to their full intensity. We have asked the Cube developers if anything can be done to reduce the night-time lighting glare.

Other Issues 

Cost of living support for families 

The Council has announced that Primary School aged pupils will receive a free school lunch in Westminster from January. This now includes Years 3 – 6, as well as pupils in reception, years 1 and 2, who are already receiving this offer


A link to a map of Council owned trees is now available. It includes trees on streets, in housing estates and in parks. 

Making your windows more energy efficient

The Council has produced a guide on how to make your windows more energy efficient

Introducing Rachel Blake

Rachel Blake is the Labour Candidate for Cities of London and Westminster at the next General Election. You can read more about her here

Cost of Living Crisis

Around a quarter of households across Westminster (approximately 31,000 households) are particularly vulnerable to rises in living costs, with some people facing extreme hardship. We can help you get the support you need, from showing you how to access government financial aid to finding local advice services. Whatever hardships you’re facing, we’re here to help.


A new edition of an illustrated walking map has been released by Footways, plotting hundreds of kilometres of scenic, safe and pedestrian-friendly walking routes in central London. The map is also available as a digital copy with geolocation.

The Ramblers’ Association has organised Wellbeing Walks in central London. You can read more at

Dockless e-bikes

The Council has a Team removing dockless e-bikes which are obstructing the pavement. You can also report dockless e-bikes left in dangerous positions by using Report It and the Council Team will remove the bike if it is obstructing the pavement

Service charges

At a time of rising bills, it is important to be as clear as possible about what rights you have because it can be complicated. There is a useful page on the LEASE website covering many of the key issues (what you can ask for, how to challenge bills).  Service Charges – The Leasehold Advisory Service ( 

Handyperson service

Westminster residents aged over 60, or in receipt of disability benefit, can request free help from a handyperson. The service covers minor works to a home such as replacing light bulbs and other small DIY jobs. It does not cover gardening, plumbing or decorating, and it is not an emergency service. Please see the following link for details 

A resident who used the service says, “We booked the handyman to put up a shelf. Excellent result. He came earlier than he was due (by arrangement) and got straight to it – shelf erected in no time at all. Pleasant, efficient and tidy. 10 out of 10.”

Electric Car charging points

Charging points have been installed in lamp columns across the area and you can register your interest in having a lamp post charger installed near you by completing the form below. You can also register an interest in having stand-alone charging posts installed in your area.

Bike Hangars 

So the Council can install new secure cycle storage where it is most needed and to give all residents a fair opportunity for getting a hangar in their area, residents interested in renting a space should Register an Interest via our website. The Council uses this demand data to inform our new location proposals.

Local Police 

The Hyde Park Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police Team of Sgt Martin Noon, PCs Adam Oddy and Harminder Purewal have been joined by PC Lewis Best and PCSO Lina Pandi.

You can contact them at

You can keep an eye on the latest local crime information through the Met Police website: 

Refuse collection and Recycling collection times

Recycling bags can be ordered from Bags will be delivered within approximately 10 days of order.

You can check when refuse and recycling is collected from your street here 

Bulky Waste collections

You can book a bulky waste collection service with the Council for £32 for up to 6 items. We aim to complete your collection within 3 working days. If you do not have 6 items for collection you can ask your neighbours if they have any and then share the cost.

If you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, the service is free. This is limited to one collection of up to 6 items, every 90 days. You can read more here

If you are a landlord or managing agent and you are disposing of unwanted furniture or building material, please do not dump it in the street! If you do, you will be fined.

Please contact the Council’s bulky waste collection service, and we will take it away quickly and efficiently.

Recycling small electrical appliances 

Any household electrical and electronic item that operates on a battery or has a plug and is smaller than 60cm in length and under 30cm in width and height, can be put in an on-street small electrical appliances recycling bin. For details of locations see

Report It

Please tell the Council about dumped rubbish, broken street lights, dumped bikes, graffiti and more by using Report It

Street Link

If you see anyone sleeping rough, please contact Street Link who are able offer help and assistance. You can contact Street Link 24 hours a day at

‘Westminster Extra’ 

You can read the ‘Westminster Extra’ online

Coronavirus (Covid-19) UPDATE 

Interactive Map

You can see the latest data for your area here

What you say

“Many thanks for yet another excellent report on what is “happening” on the ground in the constituency” 

“Thank you so much for the meeting and keep up the good work.” 

“The latest newsletter is so impressive.  Thank you as always for all the hard work undertaken by The Hyde Park Three!”

“We are grateful for your relentless commitment to allowing residents to have their say and taking actions on the many points raised.”

“May I take this opportunity to congratulate you and your colleagues on the impact that you are having as the new Hyde Park ward councillors? Even Tories are impressed and say that they will vote for you!”

“Your regular newsletter to residents and your frequent letters in Westminster Extra are further evidence of your effectiveness. Well done!”

“I’ve said it before, but the access to you three and your responsiveness is truly admirable.”

“Very positive response at the food bank today to the announcement on free school for all primary age children in Westminster. Thank you.”

Please let us know if we can be of help or assistance on any local issues.

Please feel free to pass this report to your neighbours. If you know of anyone else who might like to receive this report, please send them this sign-up link

Please keep safe, stay well and look after yourself and your neighbours.

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.


Judith Southern, Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Paul Dimoldenberg 

Your Hyde Park Ward Labour Councillors – Here to Help, All Year Round – We Get Things Done!


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