Labour pledges to:
End Westminster’s cozy relationship with developers and create a fairer and more accessible planning system for residents.
Make Westminster Council transparent and give residents more say over their areas.
Introduce Citizens’ Assemblies to make sure residents’ voices are heard.
A Planning System That Puts Residents First
- Use planning policies to deliver the social and truly affordable homes we need, encourage zero-carbon developments, gentle density, and high-quality design for all developments.
- Ensure that Section 106 agreements deliver social value.
- Provide stronger protection for pubs, music venues and theatres.
- Protect local high streets and encourage new kinds of community use.
- Reform how the Council runs the planning system and overhaul its planning policies.
- Make it easier for residents to make their voice heard.
Libraries and Leisure
- Protect library services and facilities, ensuring that residents are fully consulted before any changes to the city’s libraries are made.
- Ensure that the Council’s leisure review protects services that our residents rely on, while making activities more affordable and accessible to low-income families and young people.