Royal Lancaster Hotel delivery steps
Royal Lancaster Hotel delivery steps

We contacted the Royal Lancaster Hotel after receiving this message from a local resident:

“We who live across from the Royal Lancaster Hotel loading area on Westbourne Street have an ongoing problem with the hotel allowing lorries to load and unload in that area late at night or in the mornings before 8:00.  The problem with that loading area is that there are steps so a temporary ramp must be used to allow large items to be wheeled in. This creates considerable racket that is disturbing to us.”

We went to visit the General Manager of the hotel with the resident and the General Manager agreed with the resident’s suggestion:

“If the two steps were replaced with a sloping flooring that went from the pavement level outside to the bottom of the doors it would provide a quiet, more gently sloped, and permanent ramp.  There would then be no need for a temporary ramp and would almost certainly eliminate the noise problem.”

We thank the Royal Lancaster for the positive and helpful approach to this issue and hope the work is done soon. In the interim, the hotel has agreed to improve the current temporary arrangements so as to reduce the noise.

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