News from your Hyde Park Labour Councillors – Judith Southern, Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Paul Dimoldenberg
Dear Resident,
We hope that all is well. It has been another few weeks of activity right across the ward.
We are using our Ward Budget to provide funding for trips on the Floating Classroom for children attending Hampden Gurney CE, Hallfield, King Solomon Academy and St James and St John’s CE primary schools. In addition, we have provided funding to Hurdles2Hoops, a non-profit organisation whose aim is to integrate refugees into society using basketball to build confidence, skills, and alleviate mental health impairments. We have also funded hanging baskets in Sale Place and you will see the Winter/Spring baskets being installed over the coming weeks.
St John’s Church has kindly agreed that we can hold a regular advice surgery at St John’s Parish Hall, Hyde Park Crescent, on the first Thursday of the month from 6-7pm. The next advice surgery will be on Thursday 3rd November, 6pm-7pm.
Please let us know if we can be of help or assistance on any local issues.
The Hyde Park Estate area, bounded by Edgware Road/Bayswater Road and Sussex Gardens
Connaught Square
Together with the police, we attended a packed public meeting in St John’s Church Hall on 3rd October, organised by HyPER, to discuss crime issues in the Connaught Square and Portsea Place area.
Residents are keen for CCTV to be installed in the area and for the Council to allow burglar alarms to be located on the front of their Listed Buildings and we are taking up these issues with the Planning Department. We also discussed highways, noise and parking issues and we will be following up these matters, too. For a note of the meeting please see https://hyper.uk/hypers-second-have-your-say-event-crime/
Following the meeting, we contacted the Parking Team about extra patrols in the Connaught Square/Portsea Place area at night and we have received the following update,
“Good news – NSL (the Council’s parking contractors) have been undertaking night-time enforcement through the night on the last three nights at Portsea Place, Norfolk Crescent and Connaught Sq. Over the course of these three nights, they have issued 22 PCNs (fines) to drivers parked in resident bays without Permits. We have agreed with them that we will continue with this every night through to the end of next week, too.”
We hope that this helps to increase safety and security in the area.
We have also asked the Parking Team to take action against the contractors working on a house in Connaught Square. Residents say,
“We have made several polite requests over many months for the contractors to avoid double parking and continuous unloading. It is a danger to cyclists who have to swerve around double vans. To pedestrians from the workmen carrying goods across the pavement. To car drivers who have to squeeze through the gap. Residents cannot park in their bays. Or exit them.”
We have also asked the Street Lighting Team to investigate this issue, “On the north side of Connaught Square all three lights are out. This happened last year and took months to resolve because you kept saying it was sorted as that is what your system said. There are no lights and it is dark.” The Street Lighting Team say, “the lights have been repaired, a faulty fuse was replaced which fed the lamp columns.”
Connaught Square/Stanhope Place
We have asked the Waste Team to issue fines to those residents who have been dumping rubbish by the post box at the corner of Connaught Square and Stanhope Place.
We have also asked the Street Lighting Team to fix a broken streetlight outside 13 Stanhope Place.
Connaught Square/Seymour Street
We have raised this issue from a resident with the Highways Team, “who authorised the 10pm-3am drilling this week on Seymour St/junction with Connaught Square? Astonishing to have had no sleep. Noise was atrocious and our family were woken. Actual cement cutting and drilling.”
The Highways Team say, “This appears to be unauthorised works. I have asked my colleague in the Streetworks Team to double check.”
Connaught Street
Following our report about the tree that has been felled outside the Bombay Palace, residents say, “We are pleased to see that the sad tree stump in Connaught Street has been removed, with the ground in which it was planted looking like it has been prepared for a new planting. We await this eagerly.”
Hyde Park Square
We asked the Council to remove an abandoned bike and a pedicab suspected to be used in illicit night-time activities in Hyde Park Square. In respect of the pedicab, the City Inspector says, “The relevant 48-hour warning Notices have been attached and ignored, so now a removal Notice has been applied and a request to cut away the lock and physically remove the item has been submitted.”
Residents say, “Thanks very much for following up on this and ensuring that this item is being removed. It is obviously not being used for the purpose for which it is supposedly intended, and it is the focus of suspicious activity.” The pedicab has now been removed.
Hyde Park Place
We have asked the Enforcement Team to investigate reports of unauthorised short-term Airbnb lettings at a property in Hyde Park Place. The Enforcement Team say, “I will assign to a case officer and update when we know more about the case and property.”
Sussex Mews East
We noticed that the lights are on during the day at Sussex Mews East and have asked the Church Commissioners to investigate. The Church Commissioners say, “I have spoken to my colleagues who will instruct a contractor to look at the light and timers and see if we can install LED’s if possible.”
Cambridge Square
We have asked the Tree Team to replace a vandalised and damaged tree in Cambridge Square and a missing tree by Block 9 in Park West Place.
Radnor Mews
We have asked the Police to increase their patrols in Radnor Mews and surrounding area after residents told us about drug use and anti-social behaviour in the mews.
Portsea Place – tree pruning update
Following requests from Portsea Place residents regarding tree pruning, the Tree Officer tells us, “I have asked our contractors to prune the tree directly outside Portsea Hall ASAP. The lower branches will be removed and the crown pruned back from the light which will improve the light levels and clearance over the footway. With regards to the tree at the Kendall Street end of Portsea Place this is a lot trickier to deal with. The contractors have managed to prune the tree back from the building but there is more work that be carried out to further improve the light issues at either end of the street. These works will require further organisation and planning.”
Rubbish Dumping
We have asked the Waste Team to issue fines to residents for dumping rubbish on the street in Norfolk Crescent, Connaught Street and Porchester Place.
Sussex Square
Following a request from a resident, we have asked Veolia, the Council’s waste contractors, to clear away horse droppings from Sussex Square roadway. Veolia say, “We have implemented a twice-daily mechanical sweep around this area. Once in the morning and once in the evening.”
St George’s Fields
Residents tell us that dockless bikes are being dumped at the main entrance to St George’s Fields, Albion Street, and also by the SGF gates/railings on Bayswater Road. We have asked the Highways Team to add these locations to their patrols to pick up bikes obstructing the highway.
Titchborne Row
The Council’s Planning Committee considered an application for a roof extension to add two new homes at Arvon Court 3-5 Titchborne Row. The two new flats would measure approximately 33sqm which is below the minimum space required (37sqm) by the London Plan and Technical Housing Standards (March 2015). The committee debated the issue extensively and decide to refuse the application due to the size of the proposed homes.
Dumping ‘hot spots’
We have asked the City Inspectors to take note of the following new ‘hot spots’ for dumped rubbish – by the corner of Sussex Place and Gloucester Square and by the tree, adjacent to 3 Gloucester Square.
Frameless, 6 Marble Arch Place
Frameless, described as “London’s first permanent digital immersive arts experience”, has opened in the new development at 6 Marble Arch Place. For a review see
The Star Street area, between Sussex Gardens and Praed Street
Norfolk Square
We asked the Council to remove an abandoned bike outside Edna House in Norfolk Square.
Star Street/Sale Place
We continue to report rubbish dumped by the Big Black Bins on the corner of Star Street and Sale Place. This location is being monitored closely by the Waste Action Squad and fines will be issued to anyone found to be dumping rubbish here.
Star Street
We are making enquiries on behalf of Star Street residents about late night/early morning deliveries and collections. Residents say,
“We have a school on our street, International Community School, ICS. Unfortunately for some time now the school organised its rubbish collection and food deliveries during night hours: The rubbish truck (First Mile) arrives between 11 pm and 3 am every night. The food is delivered in a huge lorry at 7 am every morning. The large commercial vehicles and associated banging and clanging of loading and unloading wakes the whole street up every single night.”
We have spoken with the management team of the school and they have assured us they will improve collection timing.
We have also asked the City Inspectors to investigate this issue, “There seems to be a rat/mouse issue. The work on the railway area no doubt drives rodents away and into the residential areas. I had a nasty shock this week – my car’s engine was in trouble and the garage told me it was because a rodent had chewed the car pipes. Apparently, this is quite common.”
Sussex Gardens
We have asked the Church Commissioners to install spikes on the top of the Water Gardens wall on the corner of Sussex Gardens to stop the pigeons congregating around the area. The area around the tree is washed down regularly to remove the bread and other food dumped there by someone who ignores ‘Don’t feed the pigeons’ signs.
St Michael’s Street
We have asked the Waste Team to take action against a business dumping clinical waste in St Michael’s Street. The Waste Team say, “The area was visited last night, with evidence gathered for enforcement purposes. We have revisited today and waited until the owner arrived. He is also the licence holder at the premises, so should certainly not be presenting the waste as was found yesterday.”
Edgware Road area
Waste Action Squad
Clean streets are one of our top priorities and we are determined to do all we can to tackle the problems caused by the small minority of people and businesses who continue to dump rubbish on the street. We have identified 100 dumping ‘hot spots’ across Westminster and we have set up a Waste Action Squad to tackle the challenge of dumped waste and littering. The Waste Action Squad is a multi-agency team working with the community to identify effective solutions to address dumping hotspots across the city.
The Waste Action Squad started on Monday 10th October with a week of action focused on ‘hot spots’ around the Edgware Road and Hyde Park ward area.
The key objectives for the team are:
- To provide a highly visible operation that shows this is an area of focus and that we are acting against persistent problems and offenders
- To engage residents and businesses in a practical conversation about waste problems in their neighbourhood.
- To gather residents’ and business views into how these problems could be tackled together
- To educate residents and businesses on the best ways of disposing of their waste to keep their streets clean and tidy.
- To create an action plan to tackle these issues.
The Chapel Street, Cabbell Street and Transept Street area
Chapel Street
We are delighted that the seven Airbnb key boxes attached to the Chapel Street railings outside Hyde Park Mansions have now been removed by the managing agents who say, “We are now working on eliminating short term lets at the buildings which we manage, but in the interim if you do note any key boxes appearing going forwards, please do let me know so that we can remove quickly.” Residents say, “Thank you for your persistence with this matter, we really appreciate it.”
We have also asked the City Inspectors to arrange for graffiti to be removed from The Chapel pub and from the wall of 38-47a Chapel Street, as well as asking for the streetlight opposite The Chapel to be fixed.
Thanks to the efforts of Neighbourhood Coordinator Adam Davis, works are now well underway to install a new fence to replace the damaged and shabby-looking blue wooden hoarding around the London Transport site on Chapel Street.
Edgware Road Station
Residents say that the underpass leading to and from Edgware Road station (Circle line) under Marylebone Road is very smelly. We have asked the Council if this can be investigated and a clean-up arranged. Neighbourhood Coordinator Adam Davis tells us:
“Veolia depot cleaning crews have attended the location and hot washed the entire area. There is now a marked improvement at the site and hopefully this will remain the case going forward. The issue of people using the area as an open toilet is still an underlying issue but can only be tackled by regular patrols and quick reporting at the time.”
Transept Street
We are continuing to urge the Council to take action to stop the daily dumping at the corner of Transept Street and Chapel Street.
Paddington Basin/Sheldon Square area
Montgomery House
We are continuing to help residents in Montgomery House with repairs and following the problems with the recent water damage.
Paddington Works
We have again asked that the wooden structure outside Paddington Works on North Wharf Road is removed. Residents say, “They’re attracting litter and drug users on a regular basis.”
Local traffic
We have asked the Highways Team to investigate the following issues:
“I live in Aster House, on the Harrow Road side. From our window we can see the traffic lights/pedestrian crossing at the top of Hermitage Street, leading to the underpass under the Westway. If I sit for any given half an hour period during the day, I would probably see at least 20 cars driving through red lights. Is there anything that can be done about this?”
“The second thing is North Wharf Road – drivers go way too fast along there – particularly mopeds/Deliveroo drivers. There is a school right there, and many families live here. I wonder if the Council would consider some kind of traffic calming measure?”
55 North Wharf Road
We are helping residents in the Octavia flats at 55 North Wharf Road with a number of housing issues.
5 Harbet Road
We are continuing to press Octavia and the freeholders agents to speed up the fire alarm and cladding works. Octavia say, “We have made further progress with the alarm installation and now only have two more properties to get into. Once this is done, we will need to get the alarm system commissioned and we then hope to be able to remove the waking watch.”
Brunel Building
We continue to chase Derwent on the noise from the sprinkler testing system at the Brunel Building which needs fixing.
The Cube
We are making enquiries about this issue raised by a resident, “What can be done with the terrible wastage caused by lighting up of office buildings unnecessary through the night. I am concerned with the Paddington Cube which lights up my flat even though I am not that near. In the middle of the night it really is very bright.”
Former Paddington Green Police Station
Berkeley Homes have revised their proposals for the former Paddington Green Police Station site. They say the revised proposals feature the following:
- “Better residential quality with removal of all north facing single aspect homes
- Improved affordable housing – 60% social rented homes by habitable room
- Better public realm for residents and the local community – 53% more than the previous scheme
- Less impact on neighbouring schemes with better daylight/sunlight results
- Improved energy strategy, targeting a 60% reduction in carbon emissions
- Improved design with two stair cores within each block in line with emerging building regulations.”
Public consultation events include “a virtual webinar on Tuesday 25thOctober (18:00-19:00) – register here – and a public exhibition on Tuesday 1st November (15:00-19:00) at 285a Edgware Road (West End Gate). The website is available at: www.pgpsconsultation.com”
Paddington Station
The Paddington Bear statue has returned to Platform 1 at Paddington station. The statue was temporarily relocated from under the clock arch to the other side of the station when the Elizabeth line opened earlier this year. This was necessary for safety reasons as the statue’s former home is now an evacuation route. You can read more here https://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/news/paddington-bear-returns-to-platform-1
Other Issues
Oxford Street
There has been a lot of activity recently on Oxford Street, including a further raid by Council officers and HMRC on seven ‘American Candy Stores’, where over £200,000 of fake goods were seized. You can read more here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11306259/Police-raid-American-Candy-Shops-council-seizes-215-000-worth-fakes-Oxford-Street.html
In addition, the Council has issued an update on plans for Oxford Street
Also, the Council’s Chief Executive has commissioned an independent review, being undertaken by Mike Cooke the former CEO of the London Borough of Camden, to learn any lessons from the Oxford Street District programme. You can read more here https://www.westminster.gov.uk/news/independent-review-oxford-street-district-programme
Park Lane
TfL has launched a consultation on the Park Lane cycle lane and say, “In June 2020, as an emergency response to the coronavirus, we made changes to Park Lane to make it easier for people to cycle, walk and use the bus. We think the temporary changes have made a positive difference, and we think that the scheme should remain permanently.” What do you think?
Making your windows more energy efficient
The Council has produced a guide on how to make your windows more energy efficient
Affordable housing and retrofitting to fight climate change – Consultation on changes to the City Plan
Two of the main priorities of the new Labour administration at Westminster Council are to provide more affordable housing and to fight climate change. To do this, we are looking at making two key changes to the City Plan and have begun a consultation to get views from residents, businesses and other stakeholders. You can read more here https://www.westminster.gov.uk/city-plan-consultation
Introducing Rachel Blake
Rachel Blake is the Labour Candidate for Cities of London and Westminster at the next General Election. You can read more about her here
Cost of Living Crisis
Around a quarter of households across Westminster (approximately 31,000 households) are particularly vulnerable to rises in living costs, with some people facing extreme hardship. We can help you get the support you need, from showing you how to access government financial aid to finding local advice services. Whatever hardships you’re facing, we’re here to help.
A new edition of an illustrated walking map has been released by Footways, plotting hundreds of kilometres of scenic, safe and pedestrian-friendly walking routes in central London. The map is also available as a digital copy with geolocation.
The Ramblers’ Association has organised Wellbeing Walks in central London. You can read more at https://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/ramblers-wellbeing-walks.aspx
Dockless e-bikes
The Council has a Team removing dumped dockless e-bikes which are obstructing the pavement. You can also report dockless e-bikes left in dangerous positions by
- Using Report It and the Council Team will remove the bike if it is obstructing the pavement https://www.westminster.gov.uk/report-it
- Contacting the companies who own the bikes and tell them to remove the bike and fine the rider.
- Lime can be contacted atsupport@li.me
- Dott are at support@ridedott.com
- Human Forest are at support@humanforest.co.uk
- TIER at support@tier.app
Service charges
At a time of rising bills, it is important to be as clear as possible about what rights you have because it can be complicated. There is a useful page on the LEASE website covering many of the key issues (what you can ask for, how to challenge bills). Service Charges – The Leasehold Advisory Service (lease-advice.org)
Handyperson service
Westminster residents aged over 60, or in receipt of disability benefit, can request free help from a handyperson. The service covers minor works to a home such as replacing light bulbs and other small DIY jobs. It does not cover gardening, plumbing or decorating, and it is not an emergency service. Please see the following link for details https://www.westminster.gov.uk/handyperson
Electric Car charging points
Charging points have been installed in lamp columns across the area and you can register your interest in having a lamp post charger installed near you by completing the form below. You can also register an interest in having stand-alone charging posts installed in your area.
Cycle Hangars
So the Council can install new secure cycle storage where it is most needed and to give all residents a fair opportunity for getting a hangar in their area, residents interested in renting a space should Register an Interest via our website. The Council uses this demand data to inform our new location proposals.
Local Police
The Hyde Park Ward Safer Neighbourhood Police Team of Sgt Martin Noon, PCs Adam Oddy and Harminder Purewal have been joined by PC Lewis Best and PCSO Lina Pandi.
You can contact them at AWMailbox.SNTCWHydePark@met.police.uk
You can keep an eye on the latest local crime information through the Met Police website:
Refuse collection and Recycling collection times
Recycling bags can be ordered from https://webforms.westminster.gov.uk/order-recycling-bags/. Bags will be delivered within approximately 10 days of order.
You can check when refuse and recycling is collected from your street here http://transact.westminster.gov.uk/env/streetsearch.aspx
Bulky Waste collections
You can book a bulky waste collection service with the Council for £32 for up to 6 items. We aim to complete your collection within 3 working days. If you do not have 6 items for collection you can ask your neighbours if they any and then share the cost.
If you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, the service is free. However, this is limited to one collection, of up to 6 items, every 90 days. You can read more here
If you are a landlord or managing agent and you are disposing of unwanted furniture or building material, please do not dump it in the street! If you do, you will be fined.
Please contact the Council’s bulky waste collection service, and we will take it away quickly and efficiently.
Recycling small electrical appliances
Any household electrical and electronic item that operates on a battery or has a plug and is smaller than 60cm in length and under 30cm in width and height, can be put in an on-street small electrical appliances recycling bin. For details of locations see https://www.westminster.gov.uk/recycling-and-rubbish/reusing-and-other-recycling-services/how-recycle-electrical-appliances/small-electrical-appliances
Light bulb recycling
Any retailer selling light bulbs is required to take them back. Please check https://www.recyclenow.com/recycling-locator under ‘energy saving light bulbs’.
Report It
Please tell the Council about dumped rubbish, broken street lights, dumped bikes, graffiti and more by using Report It https://www.westminster.gov.uk/report-it
Street Link
If you see anyone sleeping rough, please contact Street Link who are able offer help and assistance. You can contact Street Link 24 hours a day at www.streetlink.org.uk.
‘Westminster Extra’
You can read the ‘Westminster Extra’ online
Coronavirus (Covid-19) UPDATE
Interactive Map
You can see the latest data for your area here
What you say
“Good heavens, this is totally amazing. You are so committed and “on the case”. Such a difference from the past 60 years plus.”
“I like your new photo! Good luck with the excellent work you are doing.”
“Thank you for all the hard work you’re doing. It is much appreciated!”
“We congratulate you on your excellent newsletter which we have read for many years.”
“Well done on the great work you all do, its greatly appreciated by me and others who I have mentioned it to.”
“Well done on your amazing use of the ward budget, it will make the children so special and outside learning a plus.”
“Thanks for looking out for residents”
“Thank you for becoming our new councillors, wonderful fresh change! Also thank you for communicating to us via your regular email rounds about work that you do. It’s nice to see how you are rooting for residents.”
“Thank you for all the hard work you are doing on behalf of Hyde Park Ward residents.”
Please let us know if we can be of help or assistance on any local issues.
Please feel free to pass this report to your neighbours. If you know of anyone else who might like to receive this report, please send them this sign-up link https://bit.ly/labour-news
If you do not want to receive this report you can unsubscribe below.
Please keep safe, stay well and look after yourself and your neighbours.
Judith Southern, Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Paul Dimoldenberg
Your Hyde Park Ward Labour Councillors – Here to Help, All Year Round – We Get Things Done!
You can contact us at hplabour@gmail.com
You can read our latest news on https://www.westminsterlabour.org.uk
You can read our manifesto here, setting out what Labour wants to achieve over the next four years: www.westminsterlabour.org.uk/manifesto-labours-plan-for-a-fairer-westminster/
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