Queensway Task Force
Queensway Task Force

As promised in our manifesto for a fairer Lancaster Gate, we want to protect and improve Queensway after years of neglect.

Ever since we were elected as the two Labour councillors for Lancaster Gate, we’ve been working on creating a new Queensway Task Force. After much work and consultation with council officers, local stakeholders, the police, residents associations and local developers, we’re pleased to say the Queensway Task Force is now close to launching.

This will be led by your Lancaster Gate and Bayswater councillors, sponsored by the Council leadership, and tasked with solving the key issues we have identified on our local high street.

We recognise resident concerns about rough sleeping and begging, as well as concerns about empty properties, trading standards and general cleanliness. We are committed to making our local high street a vibrant, safe and clean place to enjoy.

We hope to share more information on this soon – but are also pleased to say that we’ve already secured three additional deep cleaning units from September to give Queensway, as well as Westbourne Grove, Porchester Road and Bayswater Road, a deep clean once a quarter, rather than once a year.

Please get in touch if you have suggestions of specific locations which the new service should focus on.

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