Meeting the Hyde Park Ward Police Team
Meeting the Hyde Park Ward Police Team

We met with Hyde Park PCs Adam Oddy and Harminder Purewal, together with Gary, the landlord of The Monkey Puzzle and Chair of PubWatch, Georgina, Curate at St John’s Church, Andy Beverley of HyPER and Lynda King Taylor.

“Making Hyde Park Ward a safer place for everyone who lives and works here and all those who visit or who are passing through is a major priority for us.”

“We have an excellent Safer Neighbourhood Team and we will campaign for them to get increased resources so they can extend their hours of operation”

“Working together with community representatives living and working in the Hyde Park area is an important part of our job as your local Councillors and this will always come first.”

Please let us know if we can help with any issues in your street, block, mews or square. You can contact us at and we will do our very best to help.

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