Ananthi Paskaringham, David Parton & Gillian Arrindell
Ananthi Paskaringham, David Parton & Gillian Arrindell


News from Gillian Arrindell, Ananthi Paskaraligham and David Parton

Robyn House, Page Street

Residents in Robyn House have asked if a big cherry tree at the back of the block can be pruned. We have asked the Housing Department if this can be investigated.

Tothill House, Page Street

We are taking up a series of housing issues raised by individual residents in Tothill House, including water leaks and a collapsed ceiling. The Housing Department say:

“The kitchen ceiling did collapse following the previous leak. A job has been raised for a mould wash to the kitchen and bathroom and to reinstate the kitchen plasterboard. During the surveyor’s inspection, the resident also mentioned there was a leak on the kitchen tap. We have raised a job to attend to this issue.”

Bennett House, Page Street

Residents in Bennett House have raised individual issues with us which we are taking up with the Housing Department.

Coburg Close

Residents in Coburg Close have asked if the street lighting can be improved and we have asked if this can be investigated.

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