We are delighted that that volunteer gardeners have planted new shrubs and plants in the large planters on the corner of Ashmore Road and Shirland Road, with financial help from Queen’s Park Community Council. This brightens up this junction where there have been previous problems with rubbish dumping.
Ulla Johnson, who is coordinating the planting, told us:
“The Ashmore/Shirland Road planters have been brought back to life and are now fully planted. While we’ve been out planting and doing the works we have been blown away by the number of positive comments & feedback from local residents expressing how happy they are to see the new plants & how the planters enhance the area particularly in the midst of lockdown/Covid19.
In the last week, we’ve also managed to accrue 6 local residents who have volunteered to help with the on-going maintenance of the planters (weeding, watering etc) which is great news.”