A year ago Westminster’s first ever Labour administration was sworn in to run the City Council, committed to building a fairer Westminster. We have sought to balance efficient services with social justice and a commitment to give our residents more of a say about what happens in our city.
Labour Westminster has supported local people through the cost of living crisis by providing a £14m support package to those most in need. We’ve already given free school meals to every primary school pupil and will go further in September to nursery and secondary schools so that every Westminster child from 3-14 can get a free school meal. We’ve done this whilst freezing the general rate of Council Tax, keeping it the lowest in the country.
To tackle the housing crisis we are building over 1000 new Council Homes for social rent and buying over 270 new temporary accommodation homes.
We’re investing £35m to make it easier to walk and cycle in Westminster, while making it greener and more pleasant. We’re tackling the climate crisis by strengthening planning policies, supporting retrofitting and through innovative initiatives like the award winning Environmental Justice Measure and our record breaking climate bond.
Leader of the Council Cllr Adam Hug said “Over the last year we’ve worked hard to deliver on our commitments to the people of Westminster. We’ve achieved a lot for our city so far but there’s a lot still to do to tackle inequality and make the council more responsive to local needs. We will continue to work with our residents to build a fairer Westminster.”
You can read more about the first year delivery achievements of Westminster City Council’s Labour administration in this document A Year of Delivery 2022/23