On Sunday 14 August, we reached 100 days of Westminster’s first ever Labour Council.
Throughout the election campaign, residents told us over and over – they wanted to see a fairer borough, a council that represented them, and action on their priorities.
That’s what we’ve been hard at work at these last 100 days.
We’ve started work acquiring the affordable housing we need, laying the foundations for a transition to a net-zero carbon emission council, and shaping a more equal future through the Future of Westminster Commission.
We’ve cracked down on fraud and flytipping, and are encouraging our communities to flourish under the watch of a council led by Westminster’s youngest and first ever BAME Mayor.
And we’re taking immediate action on the cost of living crisis, with a £5.6m support package for our residents.
Find out more about our first 100 days on the Westminster council website.
We may be in the middle of a heat wave, but everyone knows a chill wind is coming in the form of rising prices. The cost-of-living crisis is going to bite hard in the autumn, so we are putting in place now measures to help local people. Adam Hug - Labour Leader of Westminster Council
And much more is to come in the future.
We’ll be campaigning against dirty money flowing through our property sector, to protect our buses and other TfL infrastructure from Tory cuts, and rolling out new safe cycling routes.
Most of all, we’ll always work to represent our residents, whether through casework, fair consultations, or community walkabouts.