Westminster Labour has long-seen the Grand Union and Regent’s Canals as a great feature of living in the north of Westminster, but it’s one that a creative council could do so much more with.
The 2018 Labour manifesto called on the Council to improve conditions on the canalside to make it a better place to spend time and travel, to create a ‘green and blue spine’.
The Conservative-run Council has sadly taken too long to take action. But they are finally at least talking about what they might do in the wider area as part of the Harrow Road Place plan, co-funded by the Mayor of London.
It is not yet clear if they have a cohesive vision that would transform the canalside for those walking and cycling. In particular the Council’s initial plans seem to ignore a crucial section of canalside that is desperately in need of improvement – Delamere Terrace.
At present cyclists leaving the cycle path at St Mary Magdalene’s Church need to double back down Senior Street and then go up Bourne Terrace to continue eastwards. In practice they end up either cycling the wrong way up a narrow one-way street (Delamere Terrace doesn’t currently allow this) or pushing their way onto the narrow and uneven raised footpath next to the canal to continue their journey more towards Paddington.
Westminster Labour believes the Council needs to work with the Canal and River Trust to open up and upgrade the canalside and path, removing the railings between them and smoothing the pavement to create more and better space which can accommodate more room for pedestrians and a demarcated cycleway.
The Council’s CIL funding pot (Community Infrastructure Levy) could be used for this purpose. This would help improve the local environment for residents on the Warwick Estate, while making life better for walkers, cyclists and drivers (by resolving the one way-street issue).
Labour Group Leader Councillor Adam Hug (and Councillor for Delamere Terrace) said: “By thinking strategically and make targeted investments in improving the public realm Westminster can make the canalside much better for everyone who uses it. It is time to finally take action to make Delamere Terrace a more inclusive and better managed space for walking and cycling.”
Contact Councillor Adam Hug: ahug@westminster.gov.uk or leave a message on 020 7641 2230