Over the last few months residents in the Victoria area have faced increased problems from drug dealing that is preying on vulnerable people, and daytime anti-social behaviour from new people sitting on the street in the day but who are known to have accommodation elsewhere in London. Your Labour Council has been taking action over the last few months to help turn things around in Victoria but more help is on the way to make a difference with a new ‘hotspot’ enforcement team and a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to give that team more powers to crack down on anti-social behaviour.
The previous Conservative administration scrapped the Council’s CCTV network leaving Westminster the only borough in inner London without this capability to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. In contrast, Labour has delivered a new public realm network of 100 CCTV cameras so far, focused on tackling anti-social behaviour and crime. We have already installed 12 of these new CCTV cameras south of Victoria Street (in both Vincent Square and neighbouring areas of St James’ Ward), with 2 more in Carlisle Place and Ashley Place coming in February.
The Labour Council has been working with the police, pushing them to do more to crack down on problems in the area. Over the last three months, this work has seen 22 targeted arrests (including a number relying on evidence from the new CCTV), 14 Community Protection Warnings and several ‘crack house’ premises closure orders for drug dealing, amongst other actions in a concerted effort to turn the tide over a difficult winter.
Since taking office in 2022 across the city we have expanded the number of city inspectors who provide help after the previous administration cut them but we know the team in Victoria has been under pressure. So the Labour Council have now launched a new dedicated Street Based Intervention Team to tackle hotspots of street-based anti-social behaviour such as anti-social street drinking, drugs, abusive behaviour and public urination.
This new team has been deployed specifically to Victoria to tackle anti-social behaviour and drug dealing that prey on the vulnerable and cause misery for residents. Comprising an additional 3 City Inspectors, 2 Rough Sleeping Coordinators and an antisocial behaviour caseworker, this integrated team will build on the work of existing city inspectors, the police, outreach teams and voluntary sector. Once progress is made and sustained in its initial deployment it will then be expanded to other areas of the City facing similar issues.
The new unit will also be able to draw on Westminster City Council’s extensive experience in supporting rough sleepers to speed up help for those with the most severe addiction or mental health needs. The Council is investing a further £2m so that it can do even more to help genuine rough sleepers off the streets of Westminster into accommodation with the right levels of support.
To help the work of this new Street Based Intervention Team Westminster Council is now seeking to bring in a new Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) this spring to tackle anti-social behaviour (such as street drinking, drug use, aggressive begging and public urination). Labour’s candidate in Vincent Square ward Joanna Camadoo-Rothwell has previously used PSPOs effectively to tackle anti-social behaviour and her expertise has informed Labour’s thinking on the use of these new powers in the Victoria area.
Councillor Adam Hug, Leader of Westminster City Council, said: “ASB is corrosive and unacceptable to local people and businesses who should not be living in fear or finding their livelihoods curtailed by crime. Our aim is to ensure these problems don’t affect neighbourhoods while those sleeping rough get the targeted help they need. Our new Street Based Intervention Team and PSPO powers build on the investment in CCTV and rough sleeping support to ensure the council is doing all it can to help make lives better in Victoria.”
Labour’s Candidate for Vincent Square Joanna Camadoo-Rothwell said: “I will stand up for local residents in Vincent Square Ward in the face of anti-social behaviour, whilst working with local groups to support those most in need. My track record of tackling crime and anti-social behaviour means that if elected I will be able to help the Council take further action to address these issues in Vincent Square Ward and across Westminster.”