Serpentine, Hyde Park
Serpentine, Hyde Park

Westminster’s Labour Councillors have joined Rachel Blake MP and Joe Powell MP to call on the Metropolitan Police to retain the Royal Parks Police Unit, which is threatened by plans to cut the unit to balance the Police budget.

The Royal Parks including Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Green Park, St James’ Park and Regent’s Park are currently policed by the Royal Parks Police. In a letter to Sir Mark Rowley, Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Rachel Blake MP and Joe Powell MP point out:

  • Criminal incidents reported in the Royal Parks increased substantially from 2022/23 to 2023/24, from 76 reported incidents to 101, in addition to an increase in broader incidents, near misses and accidents. This is significantly higher than the 6% increase in crime reported across London.
  • In Westminster and Kensington, where residents have limited access to green space in their own homes, it is of crucial importance that residents feel safe in their local parks, the one piece of outdoor space available to them.

The two Labour MPs say, “We believe that the Royal Parks Police should be shielded from any cuts, and further to this we would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can promote community safety in these areas and ensure that London’s world-class green spaces remain accessible and open to all.”

In a letter to Kaya Comer-Schwartz, Deputy Mayor for Policing, Councillor Adam Hug, Labour Leader of Westminster City Council, said:

“There are real concerns about how the potential deletion of the Royal Parks Police Unit will impact both the safety and security of the parks and the communities that sit alongside them. At present, there are around 18 officers from the Royal Parks deployed in the parks in Westminster. In addition, there is a dedicated park officer for each park. This team enforces the Royal Parks regulations. The Royal Parks have concerns around safety, particularly at night, the management of Speakers’ Corner, the impact of guard changes at Buckingham Palace and of major protests, to ensure the parks and their surroundings are kept safe.”

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