Labour-run Westminster Council is trialling a new service that will make it easier for people to connect to public space Wifi networks in central London. Simply scan the QR code to download a “profile” to your device and it will automatically connect to any participating Wifi network. There’s no need to register or provide personal details.
Connected London Wifi is a response to persistent difficulties faced by visitors, residents and business travellers in connecting to cellular networks in central London. The demand for mobile data is growing every year but the capacity of the mobile operators has not kept up with demand. This is a particular issue where large numbers of people congregate such as Covent Garden or Soho in the evenings.
The new service is beginning with 50 locations in Westminster including Strand Aldwych, Berwick Street Market and the Council’s libraries and community centres. If the trial is successful, it will be rolled out across Westminster and across London.
Cllr Geoff Barraclough, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development said:
“Every one of us has struggled to get high-speed mobile connections in central London, especially in busy areas such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden. That’s why so many people rely on using public space WiFi but this can be fiddly and difficult to log in to.
“I’m proud that Labour-run Westminster is the first Council in the UK to launch a single sign-on WiFi network spanning multiple operators. Workers, tourists and Londoners will all benefit from easier connections to faster mobile broadband.
“Connected London WiFi offers free, seamless internet connectivity for people moving around the city. We hope to roll out this WiFi network across the whole of London, and potentially beyond.”