At the full council budget meeting on 2 March 2022:
- The Conservatives voted against Labour’s amendment to freeze Council Tax until 2024
- The Conservatives voted against Labour’s amendment to freeze Council rents until 2023
- The Conservatives voted against Labour’s amendment to hold a zero-based budget review and cut wasteful spending
- The Conservatives forgot to vote in favour of their own budget- showing the same level of competence that led them to build the £6m Marble Arch Mound. After it was initially voted down the Lord Mayor had to rerun the vote several minutes later.
Westminster Labour Group Leader Cllr Adam Hug said
“It’s a clear sign that Westminster Conservatives are out of touch with the needs of local residents as they refused to back Labour’s 2 year Council Tax Freeze. They refused to stop future vanity projects despite splurging £6m of local residents money on the Marble Arch Mound. Boris Johnson’s flagship Conservative Council have been wasting your money and taking you for fools. “