Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg, Rachel Blake MP, Councillors Judith Southern & Md Shamsed Chowdhury
Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg, Rachel Blake MP, Councillors Judith Southern & Md Shamsed Chowdhury


News from your Hyde Park Labour Councillors Judith Southern, Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Paul Dimoldenberg

Dear Resident,

We hope all is well. It has been another very busy month right across the ward.

We joined with Rachel Blake MP to call on the Metropolitan Police to retain the Royal Parks Police unit which is threatened with plans to cut the unit to balance the Police budget

Paddington Now BID has launched Explore Paddington to “unlock the secrets of Paddington”

On 22nd January, we attended a consultation exhibition at Sheldon Square organised by the Hyde Park Paddington Neighbourhood Forum which is developing its first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan which will guide development in the area until 2040. The consultation runs until 28 February 2025. You can read more here

We attended a meeting with Aster House residents and Octavia Housing on 31st January to discuss residents’ concerns, including the rising cost of hot water and heating and issues with security. We are also helping individual residents on various issues, including outstanding repairs.

The Leader of the Council has issued a statement following the Government announcement on rebuilding St Mary’s Hospital

We hold a regular advice surgery at St John’s Parish Hall, Hyde Park Crescent, on the first Thursday of the month from 6-7pm. The next advice surgery will be on Thursday 6th February, 6pm-7pm.

Please let us know if we can be of help or assistance on any local issues.


The Hyde Park Estate area, bounded by Edgware Road, Bayswater Road and Sussex Gardens

CCTV success

Since new CCTV cameras were installed in a number of crime ‘hot spots’ last year they have helped to catch and deter those responsible for crime and anti-social behaviour. In addition, the Council Team has received comprehensive data from the police relating to criminal activity around each of the cameras.

  • Connaught Street – Begging was detected and action taken.
  • Crawford Place – An attempted burglary was filmed and 3 suspects were arrested. In addition, incidences of begging were detected and a distressed female was given help.
  • Burwood Place – An aggressive male was identified and the police responded. A known drug user was identified and moved on by the police. Also, the police arrested an individual for criminal damage on Porchester Place. In addition, an individual was identified with potential stolen goods and their movements were monitored.

Gloucester Square

We asked the Council Tax Team to investigate an empty property in Gloucester Square where there is a hoarding around the property, but no work has been done. The Team says, “The property has been vacant since 30/9/2020 and was subject to the Long Term Empty Premium. The charge was paid by the then owner. The property appears to have changed ownership with effect from 20/9/24. The property will be subject to the same long term empty premium.”

The recent change of ownership suggests that something is going to happen to the property to bring it back in to use. In the meantime, we have asked the City Inspectors to contact the new owner to tell them to remove the graffiti from the hoardings.

Titchborne Row 

We asked the Highways Team to fix the street sign on Titchborne Row which has come lose from the wall. The sign has now been re-fixed to the wall.

Sussex Place

We asked TfL to fix the defective ‘green man’ pedestrian crossing signal on Sussex Place at the junction with Sussex Gardens.

Connaught Square

We asked the Street Lighting Team to fix a defective streetlight in Connaught Square by the junction of Connaught Street.

Hyde Park Crescent/Somers Crescent

Following the installation of the second pedestrian refuge on Hyde Park Crescent, the new road surfacing has been completed in Hyde Park Crescent, along with Somers Crescent. Residents tell us that this has made crossing the road safer and has slowed down motor vehicles along Hyde Park Crescent and Southwick Street as they travel to Sussex Gardens.

3 Oxford Square

We continue to liaise with the City Inspectors, the Police, Church Commissioners and residents on the unacceptable anti-social activities at 3 Oxford Square and are awaiting action by the bailiffs to take back possession of the property. The City Inspectors say, “A multi- agency case conference to review evidence is currently being arranged, with a view to determining the next steps.”

We have also asked the Environmental Health Team to investigate other properties in Oxford Square where unauthorised HMOs are suspected.

We also asked the Street Lighting Team to fix the defective street at column 9 in Oxford Square.

Cambridge Square

We used the much-improved Report It app to ask the Council to remove a dumped mattress by the post box on Cambridge Square.

Connaught Village Green

Work on creating Connaught Village Green is going well. The Team says, “Excavation around the trees has been completed. Arborists are scheduled to visit the site soon to assess the root levels and extent of growth. Preliminary findings show that one tree’s roots are particularly extensive, which may necessitate a redesign of the proposed planter in that location.”

See for the phasing plan, scheme drawing, FAQs and contact email.

Westbourne Street

We asked the Street Lighting Team to fix a defective streetlight in Westbourne Street by the junction with Stanhope Terrace.

Hyde Park Street

We asked the Short Lets Team to investigate a house in Hyde Park Street. A neighbour said the owner “is conducting short lets which is illegal, they even have a listing on Airbnb.”

Sussex Square

We asked the City Inspectors and the Parking and Short Term Lets Teams to investigate activities at a property in Sussex Square where neighbours say, “It has been running since yesterday and is attracting many people arriving in taxis with parking in resident parking bays and double parking. This is a private residence currently used as an Airbnb with much disruption already, however this seems to be now functioning as a business.”

The Quadrangle

We supported residents in The Quadrangle who have urged the Church Commissioners to tell residents not to smoke indoors. As one resident said, “Please inform all landlords to tell their occupants not to smoke indoors, especially Shisha. This is an apartment block, so the smell travels to other apartments and is a health hazard for residents, including children.”

Kendal Street

We raised concerns about Boxcar’s licensing application to increase the number of tables and chairs outside from 16 to 42 and suggested that the increase should be limited to 32 chairs.

We also concerned about the proposal to allow tables and chairs to be left outside when the restaurant is closed as this could lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour and/or the theft of the tables and chairs. We do not support patrons standing outside with alcohol as this will encourage ‘vertical drinking’ which has led to problems elsewhere in the city.

We asked the Street Lighting Team to fix two faulty streetlights in Kendal Street.

Kendal Street car wash

We again asked the Parking Team to stop the car wash blocking the pavement with cars. The Team say, “this business does not seem to follow the requirements we raised during our last visit, and they reassured us they will do so. We will arrange for another visit here. as well as looking at further actions from the licensing angle.”

Porchester Place

We asked the Street Lighting Team to fix two faulty streetlights in Porchester Place.

Albion Street

We asked the Highways Team to instruct the builders working on a property in Albion Street not to obstruct the pavement.

Royal Lancaster Hotel

At the request of the Hotel, we asked the Parking Team to install ‘Keep Clear’ signing in the loading back to stop cars blocking the area. The ‘Keep Clear’ signing has now been installed.

Hyde Park

The Byron Society has been given a grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund

to relocate the Grade II Listed 19th century memorial to Lord Byron from a traffic island on Park Lane to an accessible location near Hyde Park’s Victoria Gate. The memorial was erected in 1880 but due changes made to the Park Lane traffic layout in the 1960s, it is currently inaccessible to the public. Work on the relocation is expected to start in the Spring.

Bangladeshi architect Marina Tabassum has been named as the designer of this year’s Serpentine pavilion. The pavilion has been inspired by the transient structures built on the shifting banks of the Ganges delta in Bangladesh. To be unveiled on 6th June, it will mark the 25th year of the annual summer event which presents the first UK structures by emerging architectural talents from across the globe.

Hyde Park Estate security

For residents living on the Hyde Park Estate, the Croma mobile security supervisor contact number is 07880 680257. The mobile team provides 2 patrols each evening between the hours of 19.00pm – 07.00am. This is paid for via the service charges at blocks managed by the Church Commissioners, who also pay for the patrol at Portsea Mews and around Connaught Village.

The Star Street area, between Sussex Gardens and Praed Street

Star Street

The City Inspectors visited and engaged with the rough sleeper occupying the area behind the railings between 28-32 Star Street who agreed to leave the area. His details were passed to WCC outreach. He took his personal belongings and the cardboard waste, mattresses and the detritus he left behind was removed.

Talbot Square

We asked the Highways Team to fix a broken paving stone and a damaged street sign at the corner of Talbot Square. The Team say, “The broken paving stone and loose street nameplate have now been repaired.” 

Praed Street Post Office

The Post Office in Praed Street is one of 32 Post Office branches across London which could close as part of a national plan to close 115 Post Offices across the UK. The Post Office provides vital services to residents and businesses. We urge the Post Office to make sure we don’t lose access to banking, cash and other useful services. Please sign Rachel Blake MP’s petition

Praed Street

We asked the Highways Team to fix a pothole on Praed Street near the junction with Spring Street.

Praed Street resurfacing

The resurfacing of Praed Street, between Tanner Lane and South Wharf Road, will take place on 15th and 16th February. Access to South Wharf Road for residents parking is via Sale Place, turning left into Praed Street under “Access Only” signage.

Sussex Gardens

We asked the Highways to fix a broken traffic sign at the bottom of Sussex Gardens, opposite St James’s Church.

Wands have been located at the bottom of Sussex Gardens to protect the cycle lane from parked cars.

Spring Street

Following our enquiries, the telecoms box on Spring Street has been repainted black.

Edgware Road

Cambridge Court

We asked the Environmental Health Team to investigate recent water leaks in Cambridge Court, following concerns raised by residents. We also asked the Short Term Lets Team to investigate reports of many unauthorised short-term lettings in Cambridge Court.

Park West

We asked the Short Term Lets Team to investigate a flat in Park West being used as a ‘party flat’ and disturbing neighbouring residents, one of whom reported, “10 individuals using short term rented flat to do drugs, arguing at 5am, moving and dropping furniture, flat was only rented for that purpose, for one single night.”

Park West Place

Trees are scheduled to be replanted on Park West Place in one vacant pit and to replace a dead sapling.

Retail units

A warm welcome to the new Black Sheep Coffee unit which has opened at the corner of Nutford Place, and sad to say goodbye to the Halifax branch on Edgware Road, on the corner of Old Marylebone Road. The nearest branches are on New Oxford Street or Kilburn.

We asked the Trading Standards Team to investigate a shop on Edgware Road suspected of selling laughing gas and fireworks to underage teenagers. We also asked that the activities and noise from Voug and Bursa at the corner of Connaught Street are again investigated by the City Inspectors.

We also asked TfL to fix a noisy drain cover outside 244 Edgware Road. This has now been replaced.

City Inspectors’ Action

The City Inspectors are investigating 15 premises in Edgware Road and have ongoing cases for a range of breaches of legislation – misuse of licensing breaches, including serving food/ alcohol outside license, unauthorised use of tables and chairs and fly tipping and food hygiene offences. There have been two successful prosecutions recently:

  • Mawlana, 161 Edgware Road, for fly tipping and failure to furnish documents. Fines and costs of £6,000 were awarded.
  • Al Bustan, 21 Edgware Road, is currently closed under a Hygiene Emergency Prohibition Notice. The premises has previously been suspected of unauthorised licensable activity and has recently been refused a variation on their license.

Residents say, “While we appreciate tackling the numerous issues on Edgware Road is going to be a marathon rather than a sprint, it is reassuring that some of the measures are bearing fruit and that delinquent and criminal behaviour is being tackled. We hope the police remain vigilant and continue to weed out the individuals and gangs that have left residents feeling unsafe.”

Marble Arch

We asked TfL to fix the accumulation of water at the pedestrian crossing between Marble Arch and Oxford Street.

Chapel Street, Cabbell Street and Transept Street area

Informal zebra crossings

Informal zebra crossings will be installed as follows:

  • Chapel Street/Transept Street – 17/02/2025 – 21/02/2025
  • Chapel Street/Cabbell Street (North) – 24/02/2025 – 26/02/2025
  • Chapel Street/Cabbell Street (South) – 26/02/2025 – 28/02/2025

We hope this makes it safer for pedestrians crossing the road.

Chapel Street

We told Lime to remove an e-bike dumped on the pavement at the corner of Cabbell Street and to fine the rider.

We asked the Parking Team to remove an abandoned car in Chapel Street outside M&S. It has several parking tickets and a smashed window.

We asked the City Inspectors to arrange for graffiti and stickers to be removed from the Chapel Street road sign at the junction with Old Marylebone Road.

Oxford & Cambridge Mansions

We asked the Short Term Lets Team to investigate a flat in Block 7 Oxford & Cambridge Mansions where 6 people were staying in a one bedroom flat. 

Paddington Basin/Sheldon Square area

Travis Perkins site, 149 Harrow Road

The Planning Committee refused permission for a 20 storey building for 605 student rooms and a new Travis Perkins builders’ merchant depot. There were over 105 letters of objection from residents in Sheldon Square, Dudley House and elsewhere.

We supported residents’ objections, Residents say, “We residents in Sheldon Square are over the moon. Thank you so much for your support.”

“Thank you, we couldn’t have done without your support.”

St Mary’s Hospital

The Royal Institute of British Architects has announced that Stanton Williams has been selected to design the new Fleming Centre, a research and public engagement facility to be built on the St Mary’s Hospital campus. The next phase of the project will involve detailed design development, public consultations, and the submission of a planning application.

The Centre is to be integrated into a full redevelopment of St Mary’s Hospital which is included in the Government’s New Hospital Programme. The Centre is due to open in 2028, marking 100 years since the discovery of penicillin at St Mary’s by Sir Alexander Fleming.

Dahlia House

We continue to work closely with the Short Term Lets Team to tackle the many illegal short-term lets in Dahlia House.

5 Harbet Road

Once again, we have urged Octavia Housing to do long-standing repairs to 5 Harbet Road. Octavia told us, “I am visiting 5 Harbet Road with colleagues and will do a full walkaround to pick up on the issues and create an action plan. We will also ensure there are no other outstanding repairs and that the block is clean and well managed.”

2 Hermitage Street

After being contacted by leaseholders, we are making enquiries with Octavia about the heating costs being charged to leaseholders at 2 Hermitage Street.


Works to replace the expansion joints on the Westway Roundabout slip roads is now complete. TfL has now moved east along the Westway and refurbishing expansion joints along the main carriageway, next to Harrow Road. TfL will be finishing the work on the eastbound side in late-February and then switching to the westbound, finishing in May 2025.

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