We have launched a petition calling on Westminster City Council to lobby the Government for stricter limits on the noise that sports cars and other vehicles are allowed to produce. You can sign the petition here https://petitions.westminster.gov.uk/noisycars/?signed=23b50796.35e2a4

“Many residents in Westminster (including areas like Mayfair and those living close by Edgware Road) are being forced to put up with very high levels of noise pollution as a result of the proliferation of noisy sports cars.

The noise that these vehicles produce is staggering and serves no purpose other than massaging the driver’s ego, whilst making everyone else around the car feel very irritated. When the noise happens at night it wakes residents up who live on streets frequented by these cars. There is absolutely no need for vehicles to produce so much noise.

Westminster Council should work with other councils to lobby the government to introduce stricter controls on the amount of noise vehicles can produce.”

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