Westminster Labour is delighted to hear that the North Paddington Food Bank has been given an extension that will enable it to continue in the Church Hall of St Luke’s Fernhead Road until March 2022 as the Council has so far been unable to find it a suitable alternative venue.
The North Paddington Food Bank has played an indispensable role in helping people across North Westminster survive during the pandemic. It shouldn’t have to be the case but sadly the foodbank is going to play a vital role again this winter with the furlough scheme ending, evictions on the rise, energy, gas and food prices soaring, and the Conservatives cutting £20 per week from Universal Credit.
Labour Councillor for Queens Park Patricia McAllister said “We are hugely grateful for the support St Luke’s Church are giving the foodbank but the Council must redouble their efforts to help find the NPFB a permanent home. The Council’s Westminster Connects scheme should also work with the foodbank to provide extra volunteers that will be needed over the coming months.
As the Conservative’s cost of living crisis hits many families across Westminster the Conservative administration should join with us in calling for the Government to stop its planned £20 cut to Universal Credit.”